Your Guide To Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting Intermittent fasting is currently all the rage among those looking to improve their health, shed unwanted body fat, and pack muscle to their frame. Celebrities such as The Rock, Hugh Jackman, Terry Crews, and the lead singer of Coldplay swear by the effectiveness of intermittent fasting. But is it really a powerful approach […]

The Ultimate Guide to Setting up Your Nutrition

THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO SETTING UP NUTRITION The fitness industry is brimming with lies! Most of what you’ve been told by magazines and “fitness gurus” is wrong. To build muscle, burn fat, and optimize your health, you don’t have to starve yourself, follow a bizarre and restrictive diet, or kiss your favourite foods goodbye. Dieting […]

What Is the Ideal Body Fat Percentage for Men?

Pellentesque non velit nec elit interdum laoreet a eget tellus. Nunc finibus dui est, vitae euismod magna molestie a. Donec a semper mauris. In fringilla est in nisi aliquet placerat. Nam egestas venenatis urna non efficitur. Fusce lacus eros, aliquam suscipit neque vel, eleifend ornare libero. Pellentesque eget purus dapibus, lacinia quam id, sodales quam. […]

A Pocket Guide For Dads in Staying Fit

Pellentesque non velit nec elit interdum laoreet a eget tellus. Nunc finibus dui est, vitae euismod magna molestie a. Donec a semper mauris. In fringilla est in nisi aliquet placerat. Nam egestas venenatis urna non efficitur. Fusce lacus eros, aliquam suscipit neque vel, eleifend ornare libero. Pellentesque eget purus dapibus, lacinia quam id, sodales quam. […]

15 Expert Fitness Tips and Strategies Every Dad Should Know

Pellentesque non velit nec elit interdum laoreet a eget tellus. Nunc finibus dui est, vitae euismod magna molestie a. Donec a semper mauris. In fringilla est in nisi aliquet placerat. Nam egestas venenatis urna non efficitur. Fusce lacus eros, aliquam suscipit neque vel, eleifend ornare libero. Pellentesque eget purus dapibus, lacinia quam id, sodales quam. […]